
Imprint and provider identification

Operator of the website

Finexity Services GmbH
Holzdamm 28-32
20099 Hamburg
Register entry

Type of company: GmbH
Headquarters: Hamburg
Founding year: 2023
Register court: Hamburg District Court
Register number: HRB 182562

Sales tax identification number


Responsible for content

Paul-Maria Hülsmann, Tim Janssen

Authorized representative management

Paul-Maria Hülsmann, Tim Janssen, David Keller-May

Marketplace operator

Finexity Invest GmbH
Holzdamm 28-32
20099 Hamburg
Opening hours

Monday to Thursday: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Register entry

Type of company: GmbH
Headquarters: Hamburg
Founding year: 2023
Register court: Hamburg District Court
Register number: HRB 183413

Sales tax identification number


Responsible for content

Paul-Maria Hülsmann, David Keller-May

Authorized representative management

Paul-Maria Hülsmann, David Keller-May, Tim Janssen

Note in accordance with § 3 (2) WpIG

Finexity Invest GmbH is a contractually bound agent within the meaning of Section 3 (2) WpIG and, when brokering financial instruments in accordance with Section 2 (2) No. 3 WpIG, acts exclusively for the account and liability of Effecta GmbH, Florstadt. Finexity Invest GmbH is reported to BaFin as a bonded agent.
Bafin Register Baid Agent (Register number: 80178615).

Holding company

Finexity AG
Holzdamm 28-32
20099 Hamburg

Register entry

Type of company: AG
Headquarters: Hamburg
Founding year: 2018
Register court: Hamburg District Court
Register number: HRB 153232

Sales tax identification number


Authorized representative management

Paul-Maria Hülsmann, Tim Janssen

Supervisory board

Andreas Hülsmann (Chairman), Prof. Dr. Ulf Schneider, Christian Weber, Christian Wenzel

Rights notice

The signs FINEXITY® and FINEXITY MONEY CAN MORE® are word marks exclusively registered for the benefit of Finexity AG. The trademarks are subject to legal regulations. The exclusively authorized rights holder reserves all rights existing in her favor. In particular, the trademarks may not be distributed, reproduced or used in text or in images without prior written permission. Any violations will be prosecuted.

Note in accordance with § 3 (2) WpIG

Finexity AG is a contractually bound agent within the meaning of Section 3 (2) WpIG and acts exclusively for the account and liability of Effecta GmbH, Florstadt, when brokering financial instruments in accordance with Section 2 (2) No. 3 WpIG. Finexity AG is reported to BaFin as a bound agent. BaFin register bonded brokers (Register number: 80165381)

Licensing and supervisory authority in accordance with Section 34c (1) GewO

Supervisory authority: Bezirksamt Hamburg-Nord
Department of Consumer Protection, Trade and Environment
Kümmelstrasse 7
20243 Hamburg

Further information
Reference to EU dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS):

Reference to EU dispute resolution

The data protection officer of the person responsible can be reached at

Please note our Privacy statement.