Project intro: Am Sportplatz! Bielefeld

Project intro: Am Sportplatz! Bielefeld

4 minutes 
October 18, 2024

Rising interest rates and high inflation have caused many real estate buyers to act cautiously in recent years. However, improved interest rates and stable real estate prices have now created favourable conditions for entering the market. With our new project, we want to make use of these developments:

Residential property with a term of just 24 months: On the sports ground! Bielefeld

It has been more than two years since we were able to offer you a comparable investment opportunity in the residential sector. With the project Am Sportplatz! In Bielefeld, we give you an early start on a fully planned and approved building project.

The new construction project comprises two high-quality five-family houses in the popular residential area of Bielefeld-Dornberg. West Bielefeld impresses with a quiet atmosphere and at the same time a high quality of life close to the city center.

With excellent connections to Bielefeld city center and natural surroundings, Dornberg is becoming increasingly popular for buyers and tenants who appreciate both peace and urbanity.

Fixed interest rate from sales price 4,115 EUR/m² vs. 5,011 EUR/m² market price

It is planned with a very realistic selling price. Comparable Real estate on average for 5,000 EUR/m² offered. At the same time, investors will receive the full fixed interest rate on this project starting at a selling price of 4,115.32 EUR/m².

This means that the fixed interest rate is paid even if the price per square meter achieved is 17% below the current market value. The graph below shows the high risk buffer.

Short term & attractive fixed interest rate of 8% - 12% p.a.

The investment option offered has a maximum term of two years, but can be repaid early. In this case, the issuer grants investors a minimum interest rate until the end of May 2025.

Depending on the investment amount, investors secure an attractive interest rate of 8% to 12% p.a., which makes this project an outstanding opportunity for yield-conscious investors.

It is also worth highlighting: As an investor, you benefit from real estate security, which serves as protection through fiduciary management during the term of the second-tier bond to the financing senior bank.

An overview of the highlights:

✓ Interest from 8% to 12% p.a. (depending on the tranche)

✓ Fully planned & approved construction project

✓ Short term of max. 24 months

✓ Early repayment possible — Minimum interest rate until 31.05.2025

✓ Bonds secured by real estate — Nominal amount & interest secured by subordinated real estate securities

✓ Calculated selling price 17.87% below the prices of comparable properties

  • Further information about this project can be found in Dealsheet.

  • We also have the various return opportunities and provides you with information on primary debt insurance.

Our Conclusion

The project At the sports ground! Bielefeld offers a risk-optimized investment option with a strong interest rate, short-term exit options and strong protection through land debt securities. The building permit has been obtained and the project has been fully planned — a promising investment opportunity for your portfolio.

Further information about the project Am Sportplatz! Bielefeld can be found in the associated Dealsheet.

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